Vitrification And Embryo Transfer

Vitrification And Embryo Transfer - Birth Help Hospital


Vitrification and Embryo Transfer is an assisted reproductive method that represents hope for couples who want to have a family. At Birth Help Center in Guntur, we provide expert treatment while understanding each patient’s emotional journey.

Our commitment to excellence drives us to explore cutting-edge techniques that maximize the chances of successful pregnancies. One such crucial aspect is cryopreservation, specifically vitrification. Let’s find what we should know about this fascinating world and understand how it plays a pivotal role in IVF treatments.

What is Cryopreservation?

Cryopreservation is the art of preserving biological materials at extremely low temperatures. In the context of IVF, it involves freezing and storing embryos, eggs, and sperm for future use. Cryopreservation plays a crucial role in fertility treatments, and here’s why it is essential:


  1. Cryopreservation allows us to extend the viability of gametes (sperm and eggs) and embryos. It acts as a time capsule, preserving fertility potential until the right moment arrives for utilization.
  2. It provides a way to safeguard these delicate reproductive cells, allowing patients to pursue family-building goals on their own timelines.
  3. Frozen gametes and embryos can be stored for future use, giving patients additional chances at conception in subsequent IVF cycles.
  4. It enables fertility preservation for patients undergoing cancer treatments or other medical procedures that may impact their reproductive health.


  1. The cryopreservation process involves carefully lowering the temperature of these delicate cells to sub-zero levels, typically around -196°C using liquid nitrogen.
  2. At these extremely low temperatures, all metabolic activity and biochemical processes within the cells essentially grind to a halt.
  3. This suspended state prevents any cellular aging, damage or degeneration from occurring during the storage period.
  4. Precise freezing protocols are followed to dehydrate the cells and load them with cryoprotectants that minimize formation of intracellular ice crystals.
  5. Vitrification, an ultra-rapid freezing technique, is now the preferred method as it eliminates ice crystal damage altogether.
  6. This meticulous process ensures the cells remain intact and viable, allowing them to be thawed and utilized for treatments when needed.

By mastering the science of cryopreservation, our center can effectively stop the biological clock for gametes and embryos. This capability exponentially increases the chances of achieving a successful pregnancy, either immediately or years into the future, ensuring our patients have the best possible options to overcome fertility challenges.

What Percent of Patients Will Have Excess Embryos for Freezing?

After a successful IVF cycle, some patients find themselves with more embryos than they plan to transfer immediately. These excess embryos can be a blessing, offering hope for future attempts. At the Birth Help Center, we encounter this situation frequently.

– Statistics: Approximately 40-60% of IVF patients have excess viable embryos suitable for cryopreservation after egg retrieval and fertilization. This percentage can vary based on factors like the patient’s age, ovarian reserve, and number of eggs retrieved.

– Ideal Conditions: Embryos destined for cryopreservation thrive under specific growth conditions in the IVF lab before freezing:

– Embryo grade/quality: Our embryologists carefully evaluate and grade the embryos, selecting only the highest quality ones for freezing based on cellular makeup, stage of development, and morphological criteria.

– Day of freezing: The ideal stage is usually the blastocyst stage around day 5-6 of development, though in some cases cleavage-stage embryos may also be frozen.

– Culture conditions: The incubation temperature, pH levels, gas concentrations and culture media composition are precisely controlled to nurture embryo development pre-freeze.

– Advanced embryo selection: We may employ advanced techniques like preimplantation genetic testing to comprehensively screen embryos and identify the healthiest ones for freezing.

Our experts ensure these optimal embryo culture and selection conditions are met before initiating the vitrification freezing process. This maximizes the survival rate and pregnancy potential of the frozen embryos.

Having surplus embryos provides patients with an invaluable opportunity. Cryopreserved embryos can be utilized in future frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles, increasing a patient’s chances of taking home a healthy baby without having to repeat the entire IVF process from the beginning. Our proactive freezing approach aims to give patients the best possible chances of achieving their family goals.

What is Vitrification for IVF?

Traditionally, embryos were frozen using slow-freezing methods which could still allow some ice crystal formation within the cells. However, vitrification has revolutionized the field of cryopreservation:


Vitrification is an advanced rapid freezing technique that prevents ice crystal formation within cells during the freezing process. It involves dehydrating and loading the cells with cryoprotectants, followed by an ultra-rapid cooling rate of over 20,000°C per minute. This instantaneously immobilizes the cells in a glass-like “vitrified” state without any ice crystals.

Role in IVF

Vitrification has significantly improved gamete and embryo survival rates post-thawing compared to older slow-freeze methods. The absence of ice crystals prevents intracellular damage during the freeze-thaw cycle. This translates into higher quality and higher developmental potential of the vitrified eggs, sperm and embryos once warmed.

For IVF specifically, vitrified embryos demonstrate better post-thaw survival, higher implantation rates, and lead to higher live birth rates during subsequent frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles. Vitrification allows these precious embryos to essentially be “paused” without any loss of developmental integrity or genetic normalcy.

The vitrification breakthrough has been revolutionary for patients undergoing IVF. It has maximized the cumulative chances of achieving a successful pregnancy over multiple cycles using frozen embryos. Patients can feel reassured that their frozen embryos maintain optimal quality for future transfer attempts.

Techniques for Freezing Gametes and Embryos

At the Birth Help Center, we employ state-of-the-art techniques:

Egg Vitrification

Eggs are delicately treated, dehydrated, and rapidly frozen through vitrification. This advanced method preserves their quality and developmental potential for future use in creating embryos.

Our egg vitrification process involves:
– Precise timing to capture eggs at the optimal maturation stage
– Controlled exposure to cryoprotectants to allow dehydration without damage
– Ultra-rapid cooling using cutting-edge vitrification solutions and devices
– Secure cryo storage in vapor-phase liquid nitrogen tanks
– Vitrified eggs maintain their structural integrity extremely well. Once thawed, they can be used for fertilization through ICSI to create viable embryos for transfer.

Sperm Cryopreservation

Sperm samples undergo a freezing process to maintain their viability for creating embryos on demand. Key steps include:
– Initial processing to isolate the highest quality sperm
– Exposure to cryoprotectant solutions
– Controlled-rate freezing or vitrification using specialized freezing solutions
– Hermetic sealing and cryo storage in liquid nitrogen vapor tanks
– Our protocols optimize sperm survival and motility rates post-thaw for effective fertilization.

Embryo Vitrification

Our embryologists meticulously handle embryos, ensuring their safe vitrification at the ideal developmental stage.
– Embryos are cultured to blastocyst stage in optimized conditions
– The highest quality embryos are selected based on morphology criteria
– Micro-volume vitrification using minimal volume loading and warming solutions
– Ultra-rapid vitrification prevents any ice crystal formation
– Embryos are vitrified individually or in specialized vitrification devices.

The Role and Benefits of Cryoprotectants in Cryopreservation

Cryoprotectants play a vital role in protecting delicate cells like eggs, sperm and embryos during the freezing and thawing processes involved in cryopreservation.


Cryoprotectants are special compounds that act like antifreeze agents for cells. They have very low toxicity and high solubility, allowing them to penetrate cells safely.


Cryoprotectants serve two critical functions:
– Prevent ice crystal formation: As cells are cooled, cryoprotectants increase the viscosity of the cell solution. This extremely high viscosity does not allow ice crystals to form, a process called vitrification. Ice crystal formation is the primary cause of cellular damage during freezing.
– Maintain cellular integrity: Cryoprotectants protect cells from the stresses of dehydration, extreme low temperatures, and rehydration during the thawing process. They stabilize cell membranes and proteins, preventing structural damage.


There are two main types of cryoprotectants used:

– Penetrating cryoprotectants: These can penetrate the cell membrane like glycerol, DMSO, ethylene glycol. They replace water inside cells to avoid ice crystal formation.

– Non-penetrating cryoprotectants: Large molecular compounds like sucrose, trehalas remain outside cells. They create an optimal extracellular environment during freezing.

Precise concentrations and combinations of these compounds are utilized based on the type of cell being frozen.


  1. Minimize cellular damage and disruption
  2. Maintain high post-thaw survival, fertilization, and developmental rates
  3. Enable successful vitrification and storage of eggs, sperm, embryos
  4. Maximize pregnancy potential from frozen gametes/embryos

At our facility, we use optimized cryoprotectant solutions and protocols developed through extensive research on different cell types. This ensures we can reliably cryopreserve eggs, sperm and embryos while retaining their full reproductive potential for use in future treatments.

Costs for Embryo Freezing Embryo Storage and Frozen Embryo Transfer Cycles

At Birth Help Center, we believe in providing full transparency about the financial aspects involved in cryopreservation and utilizing frozen embryos. Here’s a breakdown of the key costs:

Embryo Freezing

This one-time charge covers the entire process of vitrifying and cryopreserving viable embryos that remain after an IVF cycle. It includes:

  1. Usage of specialized vitrification solutions and consumables
  2. Expert embryologists’ time and labor
  3. Extensive quality checks before and after freezing
  4. The vitrification procedure using advanced techniques
  5. Long-term secure cryostorage preparation

Embryo Storage

For patients who wish to keep embryos frozen beyond an initial period, annual storage fees apply. These costs cover:

  1. Rental of vapor-phase liquid nitrogen storage tanks
  2. Continuous monitoring of storage conditions
  3. Comprehensive record-keeping and inventory management
  4. Preventive maintenance of cryo storage facilities

Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)

When patients are ready to utilize their frozen embryos, FET cycle fees are applicable. These cover:

  1. Preparatory medications for the embryo transfer cycle
  2. Thawing/warming of the vitrified embryos using specialized techniques
  3. Assisted embryo transfer procedure by our clinical team
  4. Confirmatory blood tests and pregnancy monitoring

We understand that costs can be a consideration for some patients. Our financial counselors will work closely with you to explore options like insurance coverage, financing plans or treatment packages to make embryo freezing and FETs more accessible.

Our transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what to expect with no hidden charges. We aim to make these crucial services affordable while never compromising on quality or cutting-edge technology.

Why Choose Birth Help Center Guntur for Your Cryopreservation Needs?

Cryopreservation is a journey that calls for constant compassion and knowledge in addition to being a technical procedure. Our dedication to quality goes much beyond technology; it includes a comprehensive strategy that puts your mental health first and increases your chances of success.

– Professional Expertise: Our skilled team of reproductive specialists, embryologists, and support staff are handpicked for their exceptional knowledge and experience in the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART). With years of dedicated training and a passion for their craft, they ensure that every step of the cryopreservation process is executed with the highest standards of care and precision.

– Cutting-Edge Techniques: At Birth Help Center Guntur, Being at the leading edge of scientific advancements is something we take seriously. Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest technologies and techniques in cryopreservation, including vitrification and advanced cryoprotectant solutions. We continuously invest in research and development, ensuring that our patients have access to the most effective and innovative methods available.

– Personalized Approach: We recognize that each person’s journey is distinct and that there is a need for customized solutions. Our team takes the time to carefully evaluate your circumstances, medical history, and specific needs. After that, we create a thorough treatment plan specifically for you based on your individual needs, making sure you get the most individualized and efficient care available.

– Success Rates: Our determined commitment to excellence is reflected in our outstanding success rates. Birth Help Center Guntur boasts a proven track record of successful cryopreservation outcomes, with numerous satisfied patients who have realized their dreams of parenthood. We are proud of what we’ve accomplished and work hard to keep refining our procedures so that you have the best chance of becoming pregnant and having a healthy baby.

– Compassionate Support: Starting an assisted reproduction process can be a difficult emotional decision. At Birth Help Center Guntur, we understand the emotional complexities involved and offer a supportive environment where you can feel heard, understood, and cared for. Our dedicated counselors and support staff are available to guide you through every step, providing emotional support, guidance, and a listening ear whenever you need it.

– Ethical Practices: We are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in our practice. Our team adheres to strict protocols and guidelines, ensuring that all processes are conducted with utmost transparency, integrity, and respect for patient privacy and dignity.

Hope this find you an answer about vitrification and embryo transfer, If you are looking to book an appointment.

With a solid foundation of 7 years of experience, Birth Help Fertility Centre confidently elevates your chances of parenthood using state-of-the-art IVF techniques and technology.

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